
Cochlicopa lubrica

Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller, 1774)
반디고둥 ヤマボタルガイ

Shell diameter: ca. 2.4 mm, Shell height: ca. 5.8 mm
Type locality:

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Pupinella rufa

Pupinella rufa Adams, 1866
번데기우렁이    アズキガイ

Shell diameter: ca. 5.0 mm, Shell height: ca. 10 mm
Type locality:

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Cyclophorus herklotsi

Cyclophorus herklotsi Villa & Villa, 1841
산우렁이    ヤマタニシ

Shell diameter: ca. 20 mm, Shell height: ca. 18 mm
Type locality:

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Georissa japonica

Georissa japonica Pilsbry, 1900
깨알우렁이    ゴマオカタニシ

Shell diameter: ca. 1.5 mm, Shell height: ca. 2.0 mm
Type locality:

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